I can remember one count when our party found (or re-found) a Brant, a Harlequin Duck, a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, and a Grasshopper Sparrow (3rd winter record in Canada I believe... or something like that). We showed up to the round-up only to be upstaged by Jeff Skevington's Least Sandpiper and Gray Flycatcher!!! That was a doozy of a count.
Anyways, no Mega's today for us but our group did have a good list of birds, reaching the 72 species mark. Tonnes of sparrows and waterfowl made for a fun day picking through them for the goodies. Highlights for us - for this count - were:
Short-eared sitting out midday was nice.
Cackling Goose (1)
Snow Goose (3)
Ruddy Duck (1)
American Wigeon (3)
Ring-necked Duck (2)
Canvasback (4)
American Coot (3)
Hermit Thrush (1)
American Pipit (7)
Northern Shrike (3)
Northern Mockingbird (2)
Rusty Blackbird (4)
White-crowned Sparrow (3 for us) (10 as a party)
Killdeer (2) - Jim and Bob only - I maintain they flew in after we left the shoreline :)
Meadowlarks (2) - Jim and Bob only, but we saw 3 after we left the circle.
Still reading this far down the blog? We came across a Bald Eagle's nest being LEGALLY taken down by a wind energy company! Can you believe it? Wow. A google search will turn up more info but I hope to do a blog post on it in the next day or two.
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